All Classes and Interfaces

A singleton class containing configuration information.
A singleton class for building the Autograder.
Maker interface for exceptional circumstances within the autograder library.
A grader that runs checkstyle.
Signals that an error occurred within the autograder due to misuse of the API, such as calling Autograder.init() repeatedly or passing an invalid argument.
A grader that uses Jacoco to measure code coverage of tests.
A grader for running student-provided tests against multiple implementations.
The level of support for debugging.
A result encapsulating an exception.
A grader to test whether the number of occurrences of a given expression type is within the specified range.
A grader to test whether the number of occurrences of the given expression and statement types are in the specified numeric range.
Checks whether the correct modifiers are used for fields (instance and static variables/constants).
The GradedTest annotation is primarily based off of capturing the data for a test object in the Gradescope JSON output.
The superclass of all graders.
The interface to Gradescope.
Checks whether imports on a package blocklist are present.
Checks whether any imports are found from packages that are not on an explicit allowlist.
Abstract superclass of graders that check whether there are any imports of packages that are not allowed.
Checks whether required imports appear in a submission.
Signals that an internal error occurred within the autograder.
A tester that runs JUnit tests having the GradedTest annotation.
A linear scorer that considers only branch coverage, not line coverage.
A linear scorer that considers only line coverage, not branch coverage.
A code coverage scorer that uses a linear equation to weight the branch coverage and line coverage.
A class loader that loads classes from in-memory data.
Checks whether the correct modifiers are used for methods (instance and static).
A wrapper around a mutable integer value.
A wrapper for JavaParser.
A grader that makes use of the linked PMD Source Code Analyzer Project.
This class contains code to publish the results of grading to an external grading system, such as Gradescope.
The result of an evaluation of student code.
The publication order for results.
A way of converting branch coverage and line coverage information into a single score.
A counter to test whether the number of occurrences of a given statement type is within the specified range.
A grader that counts the number of occurrences of string interpolation.
A checked exception indicating a problem with a submission.
The base class for syntax-based graders that may involve multiple items of the same type.
A grader that counts whether the number of parse nodes satisfying a given predicate is in the specified range.
A grader to test whether exactly the specified number of parse nodes satisfy a predicate.
The base class for counters to test whether the number of occurrences of a syntactic element is within the specified range.
The base class for syntax-based graders that make use of the linked Java parser.
The target of a Grader, which must be a file.
The superclass for JUnit-based testers.
A checked exception due to a test timing out.
The visibility of a Result.