Class LinearLineScorer

public class LinearLineScorer extends LinearScorer
A linear scorer that considers only line coverage, not branch coverage. For example, if LinearScorer.score(double, double) is called on a linear scorer with a maximum score of 10 and line coverage of .95, the score 9.5 would be returned, regardless of the branch coverage percent.
  • Constructor Details

    • LinearLineScorer

      public LinearLineScorer(double maxPoints)
      Creates a linear scorer that considers only line coverage, not branch coverage.
      maxPoints - the maximum number of points
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      protected String getMessage(double branchCoverage, double lineCoverage)
      Description copied from class: LinearScorer
      Gets a message summarizing information about the coverage being tested.
      getMessage in class LinearScorer
      branchCoverage - the branch coverage ratio [0, 1]
      lineCoverage - the line coverage ratio [0, 1]
      a message